Monday, April 11, 2016

How digital technology has altered certain cultural norms and conventions

The inception of digital technology has changed the current society in many forms. Several cultural norms and conventions have seen a dramatic shift and even continues to evolve in different standards and forms. Areas which have seen such dynamic changes include, business, education, entertainment, civic engagement, among others.

In business for example, the internet (web 2.0) has altered everything. From the way products and services are produced to marketing and advertising, etc. Most companies currently use sophisticated digital machinery manufacture products and services. Business meetings are mostly conducted using video and teleconferencing with digital equipment and applications, unlike when business leaders have to meet physically to conduct business related meetings. Also, most consumers have shifted to online purchases, as a result shrinking sizes of certain retail and department stores. This dynamic has even changed how goods and services are distributed, where drones are being introduced for the purpose.

In education, virtual classroom and distance education is the reality now. Even with physical classrooms, digital and electronic boards, use of tablets, laptops, and smartphones for note taking are the order of the day, as the era of chalkboards, notebooks, pens and pencils are gradually fading. Textbooks are being digitized, whereas emails, blogs, text massaging are becoming the main way of communication among students, teachers/faculty and administrators.

On the entertainment front, streaming of videos, music, 24/7 digital news coverage, and video games are the best bet. Gone are the days, when children play outside all day and feel a little bored when the weather is not favorable. Not to mention the dynamism of social networking, where people finds new friends and associate themselves online for fun and other social benefits. More so, people can sit at the comfort of their homes and enjoy concerts and sporting events from different cities and across the globe.
When it comes to civic engagement, the new media especially, has made it possible for citizens to be more informed, harnessing them to take active roll in civil activities in society for positive action and engagement.
From the above discussion, one will attest to the fact the new digital world has an enormous impact on the way society do things in different spheres of life, altering a lot of old cultural norms and conventions.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Social media and relationships

As internet and the social media continue to be a dominant force in the way people communicate and socialized in recent generation, the question is, are real meaningful relationships being compromised or in jeopardy? Not quite long ago, people in society used to have face-to-face conversations and interact in real time and space. To be honest, it seemed like those times used to foster cordial relationships and encouraged meaningful interactions far more than we see today. For example, people who use to gather in public places like bus/train stations, airports,  license offices, classrooms, to mention a few had better communication skills, or interacted better for positive social bonding.
In contrast, people who are gathered in these place nowadays awaiting various services seem to be busy busily surfing the internet or interacting on social media, making these places seem like  dead zones with everybody at odd with each other. Real one to one conversations and public interactions seem to be fading, which to me might lead to lack of public trust among citizenry. In a second example, even the situation has infiltrate into family lives. Family times are not even interesting and real as they used to be. Formally, spouses, siblings, parents and children used to interact more verbally, than it is recently. More family lives have turned into video games playing, music streaming and listening, time on social media with friends/coworkers/classmates, and even time with people we don't really know, instead of having fun with family members.  I think this is disservice to family ties and might hamper strong family bonds in the near future and generations to come.
Although, technological advancement, including the internet and the social media serves well to supplement the way society interact, we should however not lose sight of the fact that traditional way of communicating and interacting has an enormous positive impact on how families and society as a whole can have meaningful relationships.  

Monday, March 28, 2016

How, if at all do you consider yourself an active audience?

I answered question 1

As a media audient, I consider myself an active one. When I am watching a movie, TV, reading a book, or playing a video game, I tend to place myself into characters who have similar characteristics as my. I am somewhat an emotional person and sometimes even shared tears when watching a movie that is very sensational and have some aspect of my life portrayed it.
Even as a result of this, I tend to be sometimes biased in my choice of genre in the consumption of media products. Even when there is no similarities between me and the a character or characters, I tend to choose or select one that has close ties to that of my situation. Someone might say, I am not an open minded then. But I can assure that I'm very open and take risk in exploring other media contents that might be outside the box of my culture, personality and emotional attachments. And therefore make wide selection from different genres. But, sometimes it make sense to indulge in the media contents that you can relate to and kind of avail yourself, in order that you can fully enjoy the experience. After all, the main purpose of being an audient is to entertain yourself or consume information that you think might benefit your well-being. I do not see the reason of engaging in something but tend to be passive. It make the whole experience boring and uninteresting.
When you are active, you tend to create different meaning for yourself and even share that experience with others. Your activeness also make it impossible for the content of whatever media you are consuming to have negative impact on you. Because you can better analyze the information or whatever text in front of you and make an informed decision. It might also help you understand situations, and although you might tend to align with certain characters, you would still  compromise with those you are not familiar or not 'in-tune' with. After all, we are in a democratic world, where we need to disagree to agree.
For example, in one of post earlier in the semester, I commented on one post about non-familiarity with Metal Music. But upon some research on my part, then tend to understand and realized it is after all not as some people deem it as 'devils music.' As it is just a diverse sort of thing. But it takes an active audient to really understand diversity in media production and consumption. The more active audience can be in consuming media, the better understanding there is in enjoying its products and contents.

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Friday, March 11, 2016

Hollywood finally accepts normalization of homosexuality

The media finally gears towards the acceptance of homosexuality in the American society. Upon analyzing the documentary, the 'celluloid closet', one could attest that filmmakers all along have not shy away from supporting homosexuality. But, the industry was cautious about how to portray the lifestyle on films, knowing the sensitive nature and how unpopular the homosexuality was in the past two or three decades ago. In the documentary for instance, it was mentioned how the Catholic church was a formidable force against any attempt to promote homosexuality in the society. However, it is ironic to see how the same issue of gay and even sexual misconducts have rocked and tarnished the image of the Catholic church in the past decade. One would wonder at what point did some of the catholic ministers realized it is okay to be gay.
But afters years of homosexuals living in the closet in Hollywood, the filmmakers have find it comfortable to influence societal attitudes towards homosexuality. Everyone in America knows how powerful the movie industry is, as whatever it portrays in movies, have the audience learn to watch it that way. This is a clear indication of how influential Hollywood or the media is and can direct public views, values and certain beliefs in a way no other industry can. Probably, the reason more people now accept homosexuality more than ever before. We all bear witness that, more homosexual scenes are portrayed in movies, shows, and even print media.
I think now that more and more people are beginning to accept homosexuality as a normal lifestyle, more policies and laws on LGBT rights will be taken care of by the government and other stakeholders.
Meanwhile, I guess those in the homosexual community would give the achievement to Hollywood and the media in general.     

Monday, February 22, 2016

Stereotypes on Television

Perhaps since its inception, TV contents have perpetuated negative racial and or ethnic stereotypes, which for most part actively create or reinforce audiences' existing perceptions. This media platform steadily legitimizes the status quo by providing explanations for why subordinating groups such as African-Americans, Native Americans, Latinos, Asians, just to mention a few deserve to be in their 'assigned positions.' This racial groups have seemingly been marginalized, and are often under-represented, and sometimes demeaned on TV (one of the mainstream media) in stereotypical ways. 
For instance, most ABC family shows, such as 'Black-ish,  Fresh Off The Boat, the Golbergs, among others, have been intentionally designed to portray stereotypes of black, Asian, and white family sub-cultures.
One would say, oh, it is just a family entertainment. But, the question is, wouldn't such racial stereotypes shows create systematic racism, thereby cultivating and inflaming what actually exist in the real world? Especially, when there are already racially assigned stigma out there. For example, some shows and even news stories portray African-Americans as the mammy (big, mean, loud mother figure), the coon (lazy, unreliable buffoon), the buck (savage, ruthless brute), and the tom (submissive, loyal slave). Similarly, Latinos-Americans have been known in popular media as the comic (unintelligent, lazy buffoons), the Latin lover (oversexed, promiscuous seducers), and the crook (violent, law-breaking criminals).
One would think that TV content, as it is supposed to be a dominant socio-cultural agent that influence racial attitudes and racial targeted policy preference, should be fairly presented, void of any negative stereotypes. Although, TV contents have improve a little bit from this direction, media stakeholders should totally desist from using stereotypical approach in carrying any type of message (be it news, entertainment, and what have you). TV is a visual media that is a powerful source of information that helps everyone understand himself and others. It also defines what is normal and acceptable behavior in the society. Therefore, it should portray contents that are fairly represented among all racial and or ethnic group, especially the minority, who are vulnerable.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Ideology and science fiction

Last week I discussed about the genre conventions in Sci-Fi movies. this week I am discussing about how science fiction has historically depicted various ideological issues in across different generational times. There is a historical trend of how science fiction has depicted several social, political, economic, and other problems facing humanity and the world around us. Sci-fi movies or novels can be set to center around past, present, as well as the future.
For instance,  science fiction novels was written by H.G. Well's Time Machine which centered around class structure and the extreme form of Social Darwinism in United Kingdom - the idea that human beings have evolved into two social class system. Old ideological issues which have attracted movies and an other science fiction stories include, Utopian societies, and Dystopian societies.
In the modern times there are a host of ideological issue being showcase as sub-genres in science fiction movies and novels. A typical example is the Star war prequel trilogy, which showcase political issues such as corruption, exploitation, and decay - the good versus evil. Another ideological movie called The Minority Report features the current criminal justice system, introduces the idea of perfectly predicting a crime of violence so the offender can be arrested even before the crime is committed, and the political and legal ramifications of actually using such a system.
Finally, there is a sub-genre of science fiction stories, documentaries and movies that centered on climate change also called global warming. As this social issue has turned into hot political debate between the left and right and ideological lines, the media has given attention on the issue. Movies like Aluna, Merchants of Doubt, An Inconvenient, and The Day after tomorrow have showcased the global worming issue.


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Genres and Conventions

Media conventions of genre are not always conform to standards earmarked. Atimes, obvious conventions such as character, plot, setting, costumed and props, music, lighting, dialogue, and visual style do conform to standards. But looking at more technical conventions, such as themes of movies are in a state of constant adaptation. The fact is, themes in general are not static, but rather dynamic to reflect the beliefs and values of a particular generation or era of the society. Science fiction movies are great examples of movie themes are fall into this category. For instance, Star Wars, Terminator 2, and Alien have Sci-Fi themes that have strong ideological messages and representation that reflect the concerns of the society at the time of their production.
The Sci-Fi genres mostly have conventions that center around some perception of conflict between human race and the other things or forces (usually termed, 'us and 'them'). The standards set by movies like, fantastic worlds, invasion, and visitation often portray ideas that enable audience to construct more modern and futuristic views of the world. A typical example is the Terminator 2, which central theme is the battle for survival between the human race and the self-aware artificial intelligence that is Skynet.
Typically, most Sci-Fi movies the like the above mentioned have disaster and wars, and often times depict the notion of science out of control, implying that taking science too far will lead to consequences that might be in some cases very bad.
But in my opinion, some of these Sci-Fi themes are too exaggerated, and therefore might not be reflective of real conventional Sci-Fi genres, although they are designed to be complex, full of suspense, and provide tricky definitions. More so, certain sub-genres like friendship, romance, comedy, and war do not conventionally conform to the genre's standards. But they are featured to give the edge and life to the films, making them seem more realistic.   

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Media and Politics: Media User Empowerment

New technological advancement has created the 'new media.' The sweeping change brought about by the new media is empowerment of media user, especially on political front. Users now have more control over incoming and outgoing messages, and their ability to contact literally millions of other users across the globe.These changes have sharply increased the need for new communications policies. But, at the same time of information expansion, the argument is that the political information diet of average American will remain meager.
One factor leading to user empowerment is the changing media landscape. The closing decades of twentieth century saw over-the-air networks and cable television systems multiplied, adding hundreds of broadcasting channels of radio and television programs to customers. For example, senders of political messages now have available scores of inexpensive channels for sending customized political messages to diverse audiences. This is likely to improve the electoral chances of minority candidates and minority parties who can readily tailor their messages to the concerns of the selected audiences. The effect is the widening of the political landscape. President Barack Obama election can attest to this fact.
Customizing also makes information transmission more effective than when depersonalized news is directed to heterogeneous mass audiences. For example, computers equipped with modems allow information seekers to gain access to the internet system, which now carries a huge array of politically relevant messages. Unfortunately,l while a great deal deal of effort has been developed to create new channels for carrying information, attention to the quality and diversity of the political content has lagged. Often times, choices offered by various channels, for most part, amount to surface rather than substance. Impartial analytical information about public figures and political issues that would improve citizens' ability to make informed decisions is all too scarce. Another argument is that, despite an explosion of of politically oriented home pages on the World Wide Web, little has been genuinely added to new media that enriches the information supply beyond the offerings of the far smaller circle of 'old media,'

But ultimately, the new media have freed users from the tyranny of the the time-clock, Twenty-four-hour news channels and computer news sources now make news available around the clock, rather than at times dictated by media delivery schedules. Computers has increase the size of audiences who can reach computerized data at times of their choice.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Advertising Products

Advertisement of products on social media is all about marketing strategies. Unlike before when businesses used to create their own fancy websites to appeal to consumers in buying products, the use of social media is the new era in promoting products of different kinds. According to research, more than 22 percent of Americans use social media multiple a day, making it the best medium for companies to advertise and sell products. As more and more Americans use the medium such as Google, Facebook, Tweeter, You Tube, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedln, and the rest, the more businesses plan to invest heavily on social media for profit making.
But there is a twist for better brand reputation and sale. Businesses need to strategize in order to make the best out of their investment worth. For instance, the right products targeting the right audience. For myself, I sometimes feel tempted to look at advertisement with clothing content. Different consumers get attention on certain products depending on characteristics such as age, gender, race, educational level, etc. Secondly, using the right platform or network also counts. Facebook for instance, is perfect for all kinds of brands due to its heterogeneous audience. Yet other medium do well with specific products and even particular areas on the site where adverts are placed also counts.
If you want your advertisement to be responded to, the content should then be valuable and shareable. This allows audience to like the products and then share with other potential consumers.
Companies who are smart employ genius content creators, who place advertisements not only on the right platform, but also utilizing native advertising platform forming social campaigns to promote contents.
The right advertisement contents on the right platform targeting the right audience catch attention, then spread like wildfire, as social media consumers tend to do the marketing by referring or recommending to other users. This trend advertisement trend empower the consumer advertisement economy or empire making it one of the multi billion empire of all time.