Friday, March 11, 2016

Hollywood finally accepts normalization of homosexuality

The media finally gears towards the acceptance of homosexuality in the American society. Upon analyzing the documentary, the 'celluloid closet', one could attest that filmmakers all along have not shy away from supporting homosexuality. But, the industry was cautious about how to portray the lifestyle on films, knowing the sensitive nature and how unpopular the homosexuality was in the past two or three decades ago. In the documentary for instance, it was mentioned how the Catholic church was a formidable force against any attempt to promote homosexuality in the society. However, it is ironic to see how the same issue of gay and even sexual misconducts have rocked and tarnished the image of the Catholic church in the past decade. One would wonder at what point did some of the catholic ministers realized it is okay to be gay.
But afters years of homosexuals living in the closet in Hollywood, the filmmakers have find it comfortable to influence societal attitudes towards homosexuality. Everyone in America knows how powerful the movie industry is, as whatever it portrays in movies, have the audience learn to watch it that way. This is a clear indication of how influential Hollywood or the media is and can direct public views, values and certain beliefs in a way no other industry can. Probably, the reason more people now accept homosexuality more than ever before. We all bear witness that, more homosexual scenes are portrayed in movies, shows, and even print media.
I think now that more and more people are beginning to accept homosexuality as a normal lifestyle, more policies and laws on LGBT rights will be taken care of by the government and other stakeholders.
Meanwhile, I guess those in the homosexual community would give the achievement to Hollywood and the media in general.     

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