Monday, March 28, 2016

How, if at all do you consider yourself an active audience?

I answered question 1

As a media audient, I consider myself an active one. When I am watching a movie, TV, reading a book, or playing a video game, I tend to place myself into characters who have similar characteristics as my. I am somewhat an emotional person and sometimes even shared tears when watching a movie that is very sensational and have some aspect of my life portrayed it.
Even as a result of this, I tend to be sometimes biased in my choice of genre in the consumption of media products. Even when there is no similarities between me and the a character or characters, I tend to choose or select one that has close ties to that of my situation. Someone might say, I am not an open minded then. But I can assure that I'm very open and take risk in exploring other media contents that might be outside the box of my culture, personality and emotional attachments. And therefore make wide selection from different genres. But, sometimes it make sense to indulge in the media contents that you can relate to and kind of avail yourself, in order that you can fully enjoy the experience. After all, the main purpose of being an audient is to entertain yourself or consume information that you think might benefit your well-being. I do not see the reason of engaging in something but tend to be passive. It make the whole experience boring and uninteresting.
When you are active, you tend to create different meaning for yourself and even share that experience with others. Your activeness also make it impossible for the content of whatever media you are consuming to have negative impact on you. Because you can better analyze the information or whatever text in front of you and make an informed decision. It might also help you understand situations, and although you might tend to align with certain characters, you would still  compromise with those you are not familiar or not 'in-tune' with. After all, we are in a democratic world, where we need to disagree to agree.
For example, in one of post earlier in the semester, I commented on one post about non-familiarity with Metal Music. But upon some research on my part, then tend to understand and realized it is after all not as some people deem it as 'devils music.' As it is just a diverse sort of thing. But it takes an active audient to really understand diversity in media production and consumption. The more active audience can be in consuming media, the better understanding there is in enjoying its products and contents.

Image result for images for active audience



  1. I really enjoyed this blog post. I find myself getting really emotionally invested in movies but mostly tv shows with multiple seasons because you take the plot journey with those characters for a longer period of time. You begin to see and character developments and connections. I love it! With genres, when people tell me that they don't like country for example, I always tell people its not that you don't like it you just haven't found what you like within that genre. I like all types of music so when I run into a genre or type I "don't like" I remind myself I just haven't found what "I like" yet.

    1. That's a cool way to look at genre, very active also, doing the work of "finding" what you like.
